New Year, New Me? My 2018 Goals...

Please excuse my absence for the last month or so, a combination of University assignments and Christmas meant that I've been super busy. But I am back now, and even though I'm about to face probably the most stressful four months of my life, I am going to try my very best to keep producing content for you.

So, this post may be slightly delayed and I'm sure you've read plenty that are similar, but it was one that I really wanted to do, and I thought it seemed most appropriate as my first post this year! The whole 'New Year, New Me' concept isn't something I personally believe in, I prefer to have more long-term goals that aren't constricted to a year. Even though this post is titled my 2018 goals, they aren't goals that specifically needed to be fulfilled this year. I just decided to use 2018 as a starting point. As I am coming towards the end of my degree, my life is about to significantly change, so I thought it only seemed right to create some new goals for myself. Here they are...


First of all, the most obvious one, health. I am someone that for years has dabbled in and out of fitness and healthy eating, but for some reason never manage to stick to anything. This year I really want to maintain a healthier diet, and regular exercise. None of this is particularly new to me, but especially over the Christmas period my diet was quite the opposite to healthy or balanced. This year I'd really like to focus on maintaining that healthy lifestyle, which I know I enjoy once I get into it. The three main 'goals' that form my health resolution, are of course exercise, food and trying to drink more water. Food in particularly is an area I am keen to develop, for years now I haven't bothered to really learn how to cook and only know the mere basics. My main aim this year is to learn how to cook, and to try some new foods. I've already started off well, I've been using the Fat-Loss Plan recipe book by Joe Wicks, which provides some pretty basic recipes that taste great. I definitely recommend it if you're like me and don't really know where to start when cooking. I did my first workout of the year last weekend, and I have to say it has been a while. Lets just say my recovery took about 4 days... But you've gotta start somewhere!


My next goal is all to do with saving money. I have to admit I am absolutely awful at saving any money I have. Obviously I am a student, so spare money really is a myth at the moment. But I do have a part-time job, which means I should be able to save at least some. Basically, what I am trying to tell you is that I need to stop buying so many clothes. Honestly, I am beginning to debate whether or not I should start a shoppers anonymous group... maybe there already is one? In which case I should definitely be a member. As university is coming to an end (in a long and painful four months), I have realised it is probably about time I start putting some money aside for more important things. So, my saving goal this year is to actually utilise my savings account. Even if it means putting a small amount by each pay day, it'll all add up! We'll see how long this lasts, but if I do discover any helpful tips I will be sure to share them with you.

Time Management & Organisation

I have to admit I am not as good with my time management and organisational skills as I would like to be. This year I really need to start getting myself in a strict routine. It is safe to say I am most definitely not a morning person, and having a uni timetable that means some days I might not start till 4pm, it is pretty hard to force myself out of bed in the mornings. Soon I am going to be thrown into the real world, and will be working full-time, most likely commuting to London. And I can already see how difficult that is going to be for someone like me. So, I need to stop myself from being so lazy and start to treat university just like I would a job. My friend Malin came up with the great idea of getting up every day and attending university 9-5 just like you would a full-time job. So, maybe it's time I took some of her advice! In terms of organisation, I am a total stationary hoarder. I can't stop buying notebooks, but they seem to end up in a pile under my bed. For Christmas this year I received this beautiful Kate Spade planner (which you will see featured in all the above photos), and I have to say it is already making me feel like a much more organised human! So my tip so far in terms of organisation, is get yourself a diary or planner that will force you to organise your time and plan your days.

Industry Ready

My final goal is a much more personal one, that involves developing my own personal skills to help myself become industry ready. Finishing university this year means finding a job. Although I am really happy with the experience I have received so far in terms of university, part-time jobs and any industry work experience, I still feel I could further develop my skills. Ways in which I would like to do this is through interning and by growing my personal platforms. After much deliberation, it has become clear to me that I want to work within the marketing industry, more specifically in digital marketing with fashion brands. Therefore, my main goal for when I have left university is to get an internship in marketing or PR. In terms of my personal platforms, I really want to spend more time on my blog and make it more personal to me. I've spent some time experimenting with several subject areas but I would like to really find my niche and provide engaging content for you. This is a much more long-term goal, but is one that I feel passionate about.

So, there you have it, my 2018/long-term goals! I feel like all of them are pretty reasonable and shouldn't be too hard to stick to. Maybe I'll re-visit them halfway through the year and we can see how well I am doing! It's probably far too late to say this, but Happy New Year to you all! I hope it's a great one, and please do tell me if you also have any resolutions this year.

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