
So, I guess I should start by introducing myself... I am a 20-year-old Fashion: Media & Marketing student obsessed with fashion, beauty & all things travel related. I want to provide you with a blog that is relatable and take you on my journey as a student finishing University and entering the REAL world.

I plan to post a little bit of everything on my blog, anything that I find I enjoy writing about! Of course there will be lots of fashion related content, as this plays a big part in my life.

One topic I am certain I will discuss is travel. One of my main passions in life is to explore the world. I like to say I'm pretty well-travelled for my age, but there are still 100's of places I am desperate to visit. Slowly but surely I will get there, and wherever that may be I will be certain to take you with me!

I've been an avid follower of blogs for years now, but it's taken me a lot of time to pluck up the courage to start my own. I've always been so worried about what other people will think and how they might judge me, but University has made me realise if you want to do something you should just go for it.

So here I am! Writing my very first blog post (kind of), who know's if anyone will read it or even like it, but at least I will enjoy creating it.

I'd love it if you joined me on this brand new blogging experience!

Lauren xx
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