Feeling Comfortable in Your Own Skin

This is quite a difficult post for me to write, because really I have only recently become comfortable within my own skin. And of course, every now and then I still get doubts and I still nit-pick at myself, but that's normal. Recently I've been thinking a lot about how easy it is to put yourself down, and how hard it is to make yourself feel good. And I've come to realise that most of it is down to false expectations and caring too much about what other people think. I'm definitely guilty of that. I feel like I've spent the last 5-10 years of my life caring about what everyone else has to say about me, and what they might think of me. But I've now come to understand that thinking like that is only going to negatively affect yourself, it's never going to change the way people will think. It's all about forgetting about everyone else around you, all the stereotypes and judgements, and just doing things that you like and make you feel comfortable.

When it comes to fashion I think it's crucial to dress the way that you want to dress. Who cares if your styles a bit eccentric, a bit boring or a bit fancy... as long as you feel comfortable then that's all that should matter. I personally find I'm always usually the overdressed one, who turns up wearing boot heels rather than trainers. But who cares? Honestly, when I'm wearing a pair of my favourite boots I feel one million times nicer than I do when I'm wearing my vans. It doesn't mean I'm pretentious or arrogant! It just means I dress for myself. I dress in things that make me feel good about myself, and really, what's wrong with that? I've spent so much time in the past worrying about whether or not I should wear a particular item, because of how I'm worried people will judge me. And now I look back and think how silly I was to care so much.

It's so easy within today's society to get wrapped up in expectations and how we should look. The media is constantly defining the way our bodies should look, and the way in which we should dress ourselves. And yes, of course I follow hundreds of social media accounts, and yes I know it's easy to compare yourself to those people. But that's where you have to understand that everyone is truly different and everyone has their own identity, and there is no reason why you should try and emulate that. You should create your own individual identity. After all, how boring would it be if we all dressed and looked the same?

So I guess what I'm trying to say (and I hope this is clear), is that everyone should be true to themselves. Put all those negative opinions and associations to the back of your mind, and do whatever makes you feel good about yourself. By doing that, you will definitely be one step closer to feeling comfortable in your own skin.

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